Wallet Calls

Wallet Calls


Checks whether the wallet has just been created and has not yet had a password set.

Calling set_password will transition the wallet to the locked state.

bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::is_new()const

True if the wallet is new.


Checks whether the wallet is locked (is unable to use its private keys).

This state can be changed by calling lock() or unlock().

bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::is_locked()const

True if the wallet is locked


Locks the wallet immediately.

void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::lock()


Unlocks the wallet.

The wallet remain unlocked until the lock is called or the program exits.

When used in command line, if typed “unlock” without a password followed, the user will be prompted to input a password without echo.

void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::unlock(
    string password)


Sets a new password on the wallet.

The wallet must be either ‘new’ or ‘unlocked’ to execute this command.

When used in command line, if typed “set_password” without a password followed, the user will be prompted to input a password without echo.

void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::set_password(
    string password)
  • password: a new password


Dumps all private keys owned by the wallet.

The keys are printed in WIF format. You can import these keys into another wallet using import_key()

map<public_key_type, string> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::dump_private_keys()

A _**_map containing the private keys, indexed by their public key


Imports the private key for an existing account.

The private key must match either an owner key or an active key for the named account.

See also **dump_private_keys()

bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::import_key(
    string account_name_or_id, 
    string wif_key)
  • account_name_or_id: the account owning the key

  • wif_key: the private key in WIF format


Imports accounts from a BitShares 0.x wallet file. Current wallet file must be unlocked to perform the import.

map<string, bool> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::import_accounts(
    string filename, 
    string password)
  • filename: the BitShares 0.x wallet file to import

  • password: the password to encrypt the BitShares 0.x wallet file


Imports from a BitShares 0.x wallet file, find keys that were bound to a given account name on the BitShares 0.x chain, rebind them to an account name on the 2.0 chain. Current wallet file must be unlocked to perform the import.

bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::import_account_keys(
    string filename, 
    string password, 
    string src_account_name, 
    string dest_account_name)
  • filename: the BitShares 0.x wallet file to import

  • password: the password to encrypt the BitShares 0.x wallet file

  • src_account_name: name of the account on BitShares 0.x chain

  • dest_account_name: name of the account on BitShares 2.0 chain, can be same or different to src_account_name


This call will construct transaction(s) that will claim all balances controlled by wif_keys and deposit them into the given account.

vector<signed_transaction> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::import_balance(
    string account_name_or_id, 
    const vector<string> &wif_keys, 
    bool broadcast)
  • account_name_or_id: name or ID of an account that to claim balances to

  • wif_keys: private WIF keys of balance objects to claim balances from

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


Suggests a safe brain key to use for creating your account. create_account_with_brain_key() requires you to specify a ‘brain key’, a long passphrase that provides enough entropy to generate cryptographic keys.

This function will suggest a suitably random string that should be easy to write down (and, with effort, memorize).

brain_key_info graphene::wallet::wallet_api::suggest_brain_key()const

A suggested brain_key


This method is used to convert a JSON transaction to its transacting ID.

transaction_id_type graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_transaction_id(
    const signed_transaction &trx)const
  • trx: a JSON transaction


Get the WIF private key corresponding to a public key. The private key must already be in the wallet.

string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_private_key(
    public_key_type pubkey)const
  • pubkey: a public key in Base58 format


Loads a specified Graphene wallet.

The current wallet is closed before the new wallet is loaded.

bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::load_wallet_file(
    string wallet_filename = "")
  • wallet_filename: the filename of the wallet JSON file to load. If wallet_filename is empty, it reloads the existing wallet file.


Transforms a brain key to reduce the chance of errors when re-entering the key from memory.

This takes a user-supplied brain key and normalizes it into the form used for generating private keys. In particular, this upper-cases all ASCII characters and collapses multiple spaces into one.

string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::normalize_brain_key(
    string s)const
  • s: the brain key as supplied by the user


Saves the current wallet to the given filename.

void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::save_wallet_file(
    string wallet_filename = "")
  • wallet_filename: the filename of the new wallet JSON file to create or overwrite. If wallet_filename is empty, save to the current filename.

Last updated

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